Monday, 18 November 2013

Plaid Nails

Hey guys,

I tried to use my nail art brushes this week but sadly it did not go to plan at all and instead I gave up and ended up going back to cocktail sticks.

I tried to follow this tutorial and ended up with a much simpler version of it. However I think it turned out okay and you can actually tell its plaid so I achieved my aim!

Something more floral planned for next week - see you soon!


  1. This looks so cute, I love the combination of blue and red! Your lines look perfect -- I can't believe you did this with a cocktail stick!

    1. Haha, it took way longer than it should have done if I had used a brush. Sadly I just can't seem to get my brushes to work how I want so its just easier for me to go back to using my cocktail stick.
