Friday, 10 May 2013

Dotty Nails

YES SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE! To celebrate I thought I would do some summery nails and what colours are more appropriate to show and encourage the sunshine than orange and yellow! However, sadly it was already meant to be pink and yellow, however the colour in the light I look these pictures came out like this, odd.

I decided to do something more interesting so attempted to do a dotty gradient, again using only a cocktail stick, overall I thought it went alright.
Sorry I only have this picture, its exam season so I completely forgot to take one after this, in case you can't tell, this is actually above the carpet and taken on my phone just after i've painted them. I did neaten them up,  just not before I took this so sorry they're very messy!

Sorry this post was so short, I have no time at the moment at all because of the exams - its rubbish!

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